Buy One Canister or One Liter !!!

Affordable and effective.

Get one today and try for at least one month.

One canister only RM 165 ex Kuala Lumpur.

One liter of the Standard concentration is RM 300 ex Kuala Lumpur.

One liter of the double concentration is RM 600 ex Kuala Lumpur and

One liter of the triple concentration is RM 900 ex Kuala Lumpur.

Try to start with the canister and once proven move to the higher concentration formula !!!

Monday, December 31, 2012

The Super Pheromone Priority !!!

With many years experiences in swiftlet farming I think the use of Super Pheromone to get more birds to stay in your BH is my second most important priority.

The first will be a good set of external and internal sounds.

The second shall be the use of appropriate aroma to lure them to stay.  This is where this Super Pheromone will play its part.

The use of effective sound will draw those wild birds into your BH.  Depending on your BH design and the proper positioning of your external sound tweeters out of the 100% that entered your monkey house only around 20-30% will fly straight into your nesting room.

The rest will play mainly inside your monkey house and shortly after that will swooze out of window.

If they love the external sound they will play or attack your tweeters until they become tired and hungry.

If you are experience and knowledgeable enough you will install a number of external sound tweeters guiding these birds towards your VIP room (s).

In this way the percentage of birds entering your nesting room will increase to maybe 60%-80%.

Most BHs that I visited with very little nests or sick BHs are mostly due to little knowledge on how to pull all those that entered the monkey house to move into the nesting rooms.

You biggest function is to make sure that the number of birds that entered your BH will never miss to enter your nesting rooms.

Once they entered you need to think of the best methods or ways to force them to stay.

You have to list down all the proven methods to force them to stay or perhaps come back to stay as your permanent tenant.

There are many ways to force them to stay.

One of the many will be the smell of this "Super Pheromone".

Once you run a test with the product and you can see that your visitor love to cling onto those spots which you have sprayed, you have a big chance to quickly populate your BH.

You need to plan a strategy on how to populate them at which floors and which rooms.

You know that if you combine the use of this pheromone with fake nests will increase your chances please use a number of fake nests.

If I may suggest try to look into the possibility of combining the use of pheromone, fake nests with internal sound volume.

First and foremost you need to get your VIP rooms rewired and each VIP room will have a separate cables to allow you to increase or reduces its internal sound volume.

Label each cable and use them appropriately.

The room that you wanted to be populated first must be with the loudest volume and those pheromone shall be applied in that selected room.

Once this room is filled with a targeted number of nests you can now move to populate the second room using the same technique deploying the high volume and pheromone spraying inside it.

Just have a try and I can guarantee you that it will be the best thing ever happen to your BH.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Product Test In Karak, Pahang !!!

Look at those saliva markings on the tweeter?

A proper test was carried out in a stand alone BH located somewhere at Karak, Pahang.

This BH have shown a reasonable number of birds occupying the three VIP rooms.

Currently with 9 visible fully formed nests and two inside those silicone fake nests.

I wanted to see if my Super Pheromone works or not.

The first thing I did was to pin point where are are currently occupying.  You can easily find the answer by looking at their shits on the floor.

Those with signs of shit but no nests will be a good candidates.

Climb up you ladder and check the tweeters closed to those location which you thing they are clingging to during the night.

Have a good look for any signs of saliva makings or any signs of bird's feathers around the area.

If there is than the couple must have just started or used to start there. This will be a good choice to spray the pheromone.  Make it a bit thick or double the normal dosages.

If there is none you can still spray some of the pheromone. Once or two spray will be enough.

Put some markings like a white sticker below it.

Once you have finished spraying the selected locations try to spray a bit of the pheromone at the main entrance window frame.

Be careful when climbing the ladder.

Let see if there will be any change next month.

Spray above a working tweeter is a good choice

Another working tweeter

At 90* fake nest.  

At 180* fake nest

Above a half 90* wood corner.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The First Sign Of Success In West Malaysia!!!

(A super long fake nests sprayed with Pheromone)

A very very interesting development on the effectiveness of using Super Pheromone in Peninsular or West Malaysia.

It happened at a BH located somewhere at Paya Terubong on Penang Island.

I was having a very tough time to get this BH populated.

This BH was being converted from a three stories shop house to BH (top two floors).

It went into operation for about 2 years when the owner seek my help through a good friend.

I managed to rework the entrance hole and the rooms plus those tweeters.  I told the owner to minimize his exposure and just concentrate on the top most floor.

The idea went well but after more that 8 months the result was not to his satisfaction.

I was asked for another opinion.  This time I proposed that the top entry system be converted to a monkey house with four windows.

He agreed and allocated the necessary budget.

It went to operation for about three to four months and there was some improvements but the real activities went high after my introduction of the "Super Pheromone".

It used to have about 8-10 nests and now more than 70 nests.  Nearly all those fake nests that was sprayed with the pheromone have tenants.

I was very excited to discover the effectiveness after using the special swiftlet portion.

Prior to this I know that the pheromone works well in Sabag, Sarawak, Vietnam and Cambodia.

Now I can say that it works well in Peninsular too but in Penang.

I have a few new locations under trial and I hope once this new product is good I will surely announce to all my blog readers.

To see that it works well in Penang is something special and I am looking forward for more good news from Pahang, Trengganu and N9.

Let me show you some photos to prove that it works:

A Nest at the end of the super long fake nest.

Signs of markings.

A plastic fake nest with cloth covering seems to be their favourite.

Cloth covered fake nest with baby birds

A sponge fake nests after sprayed.

Another fake nest sprayed and with baby inside

another similar fake nest.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It Shall Be Guided By How Many Birds Enter Your BH !!!

One special question and one special answer:

"Pak Harry if I know by counting them entering in the evening that only 100 birds entered my BH how many spots should I spray with the "Super Pheromone"?"

If you want to maximise the use of the Pheromone you can follow this simple rules:

1) If you count the number of birds that entered your BH in the evening you should be able to decide how many spots should your spray with the Super Pheromone.

2) The way to go is to divide the number of birds that entered by two.

3) For example your count during one evening the day before was 50 birds, you divide that with 2 equals 25.

4) However if you have say 10 nests already being tenanted you deduct the number from the 25 which drop the number of spots to 15.

By using this simple technique you will maximise the use of this Super Pheromone.

If you sprayed at too many spots say in this case 15 is ideal and you spray 50 spots, you are actually wasting the chemical.

The issue here is that once the 15 couples have selected the 15 spots the rest are idling and they will be eventually dried and bring little benefits to you and your pheromone.

You might want to add 5 more spots but not 35.

Repeat the whole process for the next application operation.

The next common question:

"Where should I apply the Pheromone?"

If you want the pheromone to work well try to firstly locate where are their favourite spots where most of your tenants are staying.

You can recognize the favourite spots by looking at their bird shit spots.

Usually these swiftlet prefer to hide at any dark corners or any room that have the loudest sounds being played.

Once you have located this favourite place you can try to plan your spraying strategies.

Choose those spots that are closed to where you can see lots of bird shit below it.

If there are corners or fake nests closed to those spots choose these locations.

"How many times should I squeeze the nozzle per spot?"

My best recommendation is not more than two.

However when your canister is new you need to spray only one time.

To those that have any doubts please email your quires to

Friday, December 7, 2012

New Batch Of Super Pheromone Just Arrived !!!

Almost two weeks without any canister in my stock however it eventually arrived.

I received a call from the forwarding agent located somewhere at Bukit Kemuning, Shah Alam Selangor to come and collect.

This time got a total of 11 boxes each with 30 canisters with a total of 330 pieces.

The 11 boxes looks good and I was happy that there were no damage shown on each box.

Collected the item and loaded onto my small car.

Got to keep them in a cool and dry place somewhere.

Already received orders for about three boxes and hope to pack and ship them out by next week.

The problem which is troubling me is the rejection by Post Malaysia if I send them by air.

These canister packing are not suitable for air freight.

They claimed that it will explode when high up in the air due to pressure reduction.

I am not very sure if it is true that they will explode but I am sure most of the time if they check and fond it they will call me to collect it back.

That will mess up my shipment for I need to resend via sea.

Messy messy thing but we need to accept it.

To those who wanted to use this Super Pheromone please be well aware of those shipping problems.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Super Pheromone Test No 1 !!!

I have decided to carry out as many tests as possible in all the BHs that I has their keys into them.

Just imagine if you can discover various application techniques that can easily pull those birds to the precise locations which we wanted them to stay.

Good example:

Most of the time swiftlet those 90* or 135* corners and they gave very little attention to those flat areas.

If we can think of a method to use this special Pheromone we might be able to lure them to build their nests inside a selected room all over the planks.

There are no proven method(s) so far that can do this migration.

All we need is a powerful aroma plus the right methods.

Another example:

If you use those fake nests your probability of getting them to be populated is only around 20-30%.

What if we find the proper use of this new Pheromone to increase the fake nests usage to 60-70%?

Again another example:

Can we use this pheromone to control where those birds should build their nests.  Assuming you wanted them to stay on the middle floor and not the top floor?

Just imagine if we can direct them to the specific room by applying this pheromone.

Once the nests number reaches a certain number you can focus on your next location.

I am sure these are not impossible if we have the right gadgets and methods.

One of the required item is this super pheromone.

Those who think they wanted to try please help me with the above research.

Once we have discovered the right techniques we shall share with the rest of swiftlet farmers.

Call me at 017 7551318

A Video Clip On The Effectiveness of Super Pheromone In Vietnam !!!

This email message was send to me from a successful Super Pheromone user from Vietnam.

He ordered more than 3 boxes and started to test the product.

Read this message and view the video clip received from him:

Dear Sifu Harry,
There is an experience on attracting swiftlet I would like to share with you. The idea is based on your philosophy of swiftlet farming: “Just give the swiftlets what they liked”. Why don’t we combine well-liked things by the swiftlet to create highly seductive place in BH? I called it “hotspot”. Everybody knows that cluster tweeter is very attractive to the swiftlet. What happens if you spray Super Pheromone, which is also their favorite, on those corner board above the tweeter? I tried creating some “hotspot”  by this way in my BH on my last visit. The chosen corners have never had markings or occupied yet. The result after application is very amazing. You can see it in the video below:
Hope this can be another effective application of Super Pheromone, which you can share with your blog reader.
Have a good day.

Best regards,

Friday, November 23, 2012

Looking For More Sites To Test My Super Pheromone !!!

If you owned a BH and have a reasonable number of swiftlet entering your BH, I think you are the one I am looking for.

You need to be in Peninsular Malaysia and regularly visit your BH.

I plan to allocate two sites for each state.

Since this product is already proven in Sabah, Sarawak, Vietnam and Cambodia, I have decided to disqualify them.

So those of you who wanting to help me with this project please get in touch with me.

The rule of this project is as soon as you apply the Pheromone you need to monitor the progress of the spots that were sprayed.

You need to capture those spots before and after the sprays were done.

Put a date on the first time and see what happened during the next visit or subsequent visits.

Each person will be entitled to buy a set of the pheromone, 5 fake nests and an instruction materials (15 pages).

Before being selected you need to fill up a simple form and fax to my nominated fax machine.

Once selected you need to pay only RM 130 for the whole set which is worth RM 230.

Please write your details to and place the title as :  Let Me Be Your Partner In Using The Super Pheromone !!!

I need you to provide:

Full Name:

Address/town where your BH is located:

How Old is the BH since put into operation:

How many nests now:

How many birds entering everyday (estimate):

Have you use any aroma for plank before?:

If yes any specific name?:

Your last external sound changed when?:

Your last revamp works when?

The above will be useful in my diagnosis of your BH condition.

If the answers are appropriate and suitable you will be then be informed whether you have been selected.

You have very little thing to loose and your participation is only helping the swiftlet community to find the right aroma.

Please feel free to call 017 7551318 if you have any other suggestions.

Where To Spray The Super Pheromone ???

Let me give you some idea how to chose the right spots to spray those Pheromone.

Before you start spraying the product you need to stop and think about the followings:

1) The Pheromone is pretty costly.  If you divide its cost to the number of spray you can get per canister you might get a figure like RM 1.00 per spray.  So every time you squeeze the nozzle head it will cost you a ringgit.  Therefore you need to think and plan where you should spray the liquid.

2) If you wanted the spray to be effective, you must firstly check if there are any birds that comes in and out of your BH.  If there is none than it is worthless.  The Pheromone will not be effective if there are no birds entering your BH.  Try to lure those birds first by changing your external sound and so on.

3) Chose the area where you stand a higher chance to get results.  If there are birds entering your BH, you need to check where are their favourite spots.  You can easily determined where they preferred by checking where are their bird shit on the floor.  These birds will usually shit twice a night.

4) Once you have confirmed the bird shit spots try to check is it below a tweeter? If it is that you need to think of where you should spray around this particular tweeter.

5) If I were you I will try to come out with every thing that I can to ensure that this particular couple that were staying at that selected spot to be your tenant by hooks or by crooks. I will install at least one fake nest on the left or the right of this particular tweeter.  The fake nest shall be at least 1.5" to 2" away in the middle of the nesting plank.

6) Once the fake nest is in place I will now choose to spray first on the fake nest, one on the outer skin of the fake nest and one inside the fake nest.

7) My next two spots will be on the plank just above the tweeter.

8) If the tweeter happened to be at the cluster location, I will do the following:

    a) I will arrange to install two fake nests to the left and right of the tweeter as per this picture.

    b) I will spray on both fake nests, the joint where the 45* corners meets and above the tweeter.

9) If the bird shit spot is below a cluster tweeter and you know that all the four tweeters are with birds, you need to be a bit more aggressive.  You need to do the same as item 8) on all the tweeters.  My advise is to use those aluminium fake nests that gives you two sides.

I hope the above is useful to all.  Best of luck to those who have bought the Pheromone.

Those who have never tried using the Pheromone please give you BH a chance.

Call Harry at 017 7551318 for a canister.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Next Shipment Will Arrive On December 2nd 2012 !!!

The number of orders for "Super Pheromone" suddenly peak up this month (November 2012).

There were a number of heavy orders from Selangor, Vietnam and Sabah.

The highest single order was for 200 cannisters.

I was not prepared for such a heavy order and from now I need to stock up enough stock to meet these high numbers.

My plan is to keep at least 300 cannisters at any one time (maximum) and when it touches this triggering number of 60 cannisters I need to quickly top it up back to 300.

Today received this special or should I say an "SOS" order for Super Pheromone from Vietnam.

Just read this message:

Dear Sifu Harry,

Good morning.

Have you got the pheromone yet? Due to its good performance here, I got so many orders of the aroma. If stocks is available, please let me know soon, then I can arrange to TT you asap.

Hope to here from you soonest.

Thank you and best regards,

Mr D.

I told him to wait for my coming shipment.

The email message is very clear that it is working well in Vietnam.

I wish he will be able to collect some pictures on the results after spraying the Super Pheromone.

Will share with all once he send over the pictures.

Monday, November 19, 2012

It Took Me One Year To Test The Super Pheromone !!!

I remembered the day when I received a call from the inventor of this special Pheromone.

He wanted to see me on an urgent basis to show me something that he developed.

That was sometime in year 2011.

"Pak Harry I have been following your blog on a regular basis.  From reading your blog I can sense that you are a sincere with the objective of helping the swiftlet farming industry.  This was my special reason why I wanted you to try my product and be my distributor."

We clicked well after the first meeting and he took me to a factory where he send his pheromone to be filled into those canisters.

I was very impressed with his commitment and am very pleased to be chosen as a friend and a tester.

What I did during the early days was to carry out my site testing by using on my own plus allowing some friends to test the product at the BHs.

Among the many two to three of them produced a kind of unbelievable results.

The first person who was so excited with the Pheromone was from Kota Kinabalu Sabah.

During my first conversation on the test result he was more like in a shock state.  He could not believed his eyes when just after 3 weeks all those spots that he sprayed have a kind of swiftlet saliva all over the planks.

He told me that the strange phenomena was unusual and he managed to capture some photos to let me have a good look at.

The moment he send them I was very pleased with its result.

This is it.  I have found that special portion or pheromone that has be eluding me.

I used to spend thousands of ringgit testing many products that are applicable onto those nesting planks and nothing is as good as this product.

I called the owner and relayed him the result.

He was not shocked but keep assuring me that he has seen the same result in Sarawak.

The came this young man from Ho Chi Min City.  During his first visit he bought a box to try.

After a few short month I received a call from his for three more boxes.  Each box consisted of 30 cannisters.

I asked him about his experiences.

"Pak Harry it is unbelievable.  The Pheromone simply make those swiftlet become crazy when they enter my BH nesting room.  They congregate at those spots that I applied your Pheromone."

This even proof one thing.  Beside Sabah and Sarawak, Vietnam swiftlet species are responding well to my Pheromone.

My conclusion after these two episodes is that the Pheromone is effective in East Malaysia (Sabah & Sarawak) and Vietnam.

Please wait for my next report when I have an order of 200 cannisters for Cambodia.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Results Shown By A Kota Kinabalu User !!!

I got these pictures from one of my Super Pheromone user hailed from Kota Kinabalu Sabah.

These pictures were taken about six to eight months ago and now there are more nests then markings.

He was so happy with the result and continue using it until today.