Buy One Canister or One Liter !!!

Affordable and effective.

Get one today and try for at least one month.

One canister only RM 165 ex Kuala Lumpur.

One liter of the Standard concentration is RM 300 ex Kuala Lumpur.

One liter of the double concentration is RM 600 ex Kuala Lumpur and

One liter of the triple concentration is RM 900 ex Kuala Lumpur.

Try to start with the canister and once proven move to the higher concentration formula !!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Super Pheromone 2X & 3X In 2 Liters Container !!!

If you have tried the standard concentration super pheromone may be it is time to move to a higher concentration.

I have conducted field test using both the 2X and 3X concentration and they are simply amazing.

I usually apply them on those fake nests used during the NKS operation.

NKS is a short word for Nest Kick Start operation.

This is something that every new BH owner should carry out during their every visit to their BH.

Get those fake nests with two screws each ready, at least 20-30 pieces, and bring along a pheromone liquid.

The moment you see those fresh bird shit markings on the floor of your BH, climb up to the spot they are staying.

You then install at least one just below the spot where they stayed.

Once that is done try to apply liquid pheromone on the fake nest.

This special method will help you to accelerate those birds in building their nests and become your permanent tenants.

The key attraction will be those fake nests sprayed with super pheromone.

If you wish to further accelerate their nest making use the higher concentration.

I have now the standard concentration, the 2 times concentration and the 3 times concentration.

I term them as standard, 2X and 3X for easy to order purposes.

Beside applying onto those fake nests you might also want to look into applying directly onto those nesting planks.

All you need to do is to choose the most appropriate plank in your VIP room, clean it with salt water and once dried apply the pheromone liquid onto the plank using brush.

If you continue applying this pheromone you will soon see that more and more nests will be in your BH.

There is no short cut in this swiftlet farming but if you know some of these newly discovered idea you can get more from your BH.

If you are keen to try call me at 017 7551318.

This range of pheromone is very effective in Vietnam, Sabah and Sarawak.

For Peninsular Malaysia you need to use the 2X and 3X to see better results.

1 comment:

  1. hello sir, is it all the item is available. i wanna know because i wanna try few item that u sold here. can email me tq.
