Buy One Canister or One Liter !!!

Affordable and effective.

Get one today and try for at least one month.

One canister only RM 165 ex Kuala Lumpur.

One liter of the Standard concentration is RM 300 ex Kuala Lumpur.

One liter of the double concentration is RM 600 ex Kuala Lumpur and

One liter of the triple concentration is RM 900 ex Kuala Lumpur.

Try to start with the canister and once proven move to the higher concentration formula !!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

"Move The Fucker" To Your BH Within A Few Months !!!

Something new that I have discovered.

The best and proven method to lure your neighbours swiftlet into your BH is by following this interesting techniques which I called "Move The Fucker".

Sorry for using such a hash word but it will embed in your brain by remembering the technique.

This simple technique requires the followings:

1) Your BH is very closed to a neighbour whose BH have plenty of birds.

2) Your BH is well designed, perfect internal conditions and all the features installed inside are as per my recommendations.

3) You have lots of fake nests installed in your VIP rooms.

4) You have a couple of canisters of the "Super Pheromone" with you.

5) A number of good external sounds in your collection.

What you do now if you are ready with the above?

a) Every time you visit your BH check that all your sound system are in full operation.

b) Make sure those humidifiers are running or your wet floor are filled with water.

c) Now with a canister of "Super Pheromone" you need to climb the ladder and spray all your fake nests with the pheromone.  Two sprays for each fake nest.

d) Once you have finish spraying this miracle liquid change the external sound to a new set.  Make sure they will attract every swiftlet that passes by your BH and will enter your main entrance.

e) If the external sound is not attractive change it to next better sound in your collection until those birds feel attracted to enter your BH.

f) Prior to this make sure you are using either the BabyKing or SuperBabyKing as your internal sound.

g) Once you have both the internal and external sounds runs and sees that those wild birds are jumping into your BH shut the door and let your house run for at least one to two months.

h) After the staying out period come back and check for any change in bird shit spot numbers in your BH.

i) Carry out the same operation for a few more months.

By carrying out this method you will be able to see new bird shit spots all over the floor and mainly below those fake nests.

The longer you continue doing this strange technique the more birds from your next door neighbours will move over.

Do not give up easily but keep applying this technique until you have the number of nests that will make you happy.

Happy trying and looking forward to hear any input from those who try my "Move The Fucker" technique.

Patented and no one should copy.  He he he.....

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