Buy One Canister or One Liter !!!

Affordable and effective.

Get one today and try for at least one month.

One canister only RM 165 ex Kuala Lumpur.

One liter of the Standard concentration is RM 300 ex Kuala Lumpur.

One liter of the double concentration is RM 600 ex Kuala Lumpur and

One liter of the triple concentration is RM 900 ex Kuala Lumpur.

Try to start with the canister and once proven move to the higher concentration formula !!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

How To Apply Liquid Pheromone onto those Old Nesting Planks!!!

My latest gadget to make any new or old BH to be back to normal or increase the number of nests inside is to spray liquid pheromone onto those nesting planks.

The plank must be first cleaned and brushed with wire brush.

Once ready you can use this special jet spray gun laced with liquid pheromone.

The liquid pheromone can either be concentrated or added with some water to dilute it.

If you wish to get better result try to apply two layers.

The jet spray is light weight and you can carry on your shoulder.

Once the storage can is filled with the pheromone you can strap the air compressor on your shoulder and climb those ladder to reach the nesting plank.

Adjust the spray shape properly and trigger the handle to allow those compressed air laced with the liquid pheromone onto the cleaned planks.

You have a very high chances of those plank be shortly populated with nests or saliva markings.

Do try this method and if you have difficulties in obtaining them let me know.

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