Buy One Canister or One Liter !!!
Affordable and effective.
Get one today and try for at least one month.
One canister only RM 165 ex Kuala Lumpur.
One liter of the Standard concentration is RM 300 ex Kuala Lumpur.
One liter of the double concentration is RM 600 ex Kuala Lumpur and
One liter of the triple concentration is RM 900 ex Kuala Lumpur.
Try to start with the canister and once proven move to the higher concentration formula !!!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
"Move The Fucker" To Your BH Within A Few Months !!!
Something new that I have discovered.
The best and proven method to lure your neighbours swiftlet into your BH is by following this interesting techniques which I called "Move The Fucker".
Sorry for using such a hash word but it will embed in your brain by remembering the technique.
This simple technique requires the followings:
1) Your BH is very closed to a neighbour whose BH have plenty of birds.
2) Your BH is well designed, perfect internal conditions and all the features installed inside are as per my recommendations.
3) You have lots of fake nests installed in your VIP rooms.
4) You have a couple of canisters of the "Super Pheromone" with you.
5) A number of good external sounds in your collection.
What you do now if you are ready with the above?
a) Every time you visit your BH check that all your sound system are in full operation.
b) Make sure those humidifiers are running or your wet floor are filled with water.
c) Now with a canister of "Super Pheromone" you need to climb the ladder and spray all your fake nests with the pheromone. Two sprays for each fake nest.
d) Once you have finish spraying this miracle liquid change the external sound to a new set. Make sure they will attract every swiftlet that passes by your BH and will enter your main entrance.
e) If the external sound is not attractive change it to next better sound in your collection until those birds feel attracted to enter your BH.
f) Prior to this make sure you are using either the BabyKing or SuperBabyKing as your internal sound.
g) Once you have both the internal and external sounds runs and sees that those wild birds are jumping into your BH shut the door and let your house run for at least one to two months.
h) After the staying out period come back and check for any change in bird shit spot numbers in your BH.
i) Carry out the same operation for a few more months.
By carrying out this method you will be able to see new bird shit spots all over the floor and mainly below those fake nests.
The longer you continue doing this strange technique the more birds from your next door neighbours will move over.
Do not give up easily but keep applying this technique until you have the number of nests that will make you happy.
Happy trying and looking forward to hear any input from those who try my "Move The Fucker" technique.
Patented and no one should copy. He he he.....
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Use The Pheromone To Anchor Your New Tenant !!!
This interesting idea might be the newest method to anchor a tenant in your new BH.
I was on the phone recently with a regular user of Super Pheromone.
She sent me a number of pictures before and I wanted some clarifications about those pictures.
The owner owned a BH next to her residential home.
She was so fascinated with the my new product and tried many ways to lure more new couples to be her anchor tenants.
What she did now is to regularly inspect her BH and check if there are any new signs of bird shit spots on the BH floors.
The moment there are she will climb up to the nesting planks and spray the appropriate spot with the Pheromone.
Do you know what happened after that?
"Pak Harry, in less than 3 days the birds that stay at the sprayed location will start laying their saliva markings. I usually will spray every three days until the nests markings turned into a proper nest. After that I will stop the application."
This is something new and powerful to ensure that every new couple that entered your BH will be your BH full time tenant.
Just check the floor on a regular basis and carry with you a canister of the Super Pheromone. Climb the ladder and spray the appropriate spots.
Without any promises but I can safely guarantee you that the couple will soon love to be your tenant.
If you have not place any order please call 017 7551318 or write to
I am here to help you with your BH. The Super Pheromone is one of the most powerful findings to improve the nests population.
Try a canister and don't forget to share any result once applied.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Kok Lawi super pheromone result !!!

About three days ago a BH owner who recently received my parcel shipped via sea freight call for my email address.
At first I thought she wanted to send me the photo of her package (damaged).
It was not damaged but after applying the Pheromone she was shocked with the result achieved within less than 3 weeks.
Since I did not received any email I called her to confirm the email addressed and she send to me the same set of pictures twice.
The BH owner is a lady and she will never miss to meet me in Kota Kinabalu if she knows that I was visiting KK.
I took sometime just to hear what new developments on her BH and will always gave her my assurances and advise to keep working on the small BH that she owned.
During my first visit I told her to do some changes and use a new set of sounds.
She opted for Super Intan and SuperBabyking.
Within a few months she told me that the number of nests was a big surprised to her whole family.
The next meeting I told her about my new sounds plus this newly discovered nesting plank aroma which seems to be very effective in Sabah.
She gave no second thought and purchase a trial canister.
Within less than 3 weeks the result was unmistakeably marvellous.
Have a good look at what she sent to me and I hope there will be more from her.
I think those of you who have never tried this super nesting plank aroma please try.
The cost is nothing as compared to the result you will get.
Try one first and once you see those markings try to continue applying with additional canister.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
How To Apply Liquid Pheromone onto those Old Nesting Planks!!!
My latest gadget to make any new or old BH to be back to normal or increase the number of nests inside is to spray liquid pheromone onto those nesting planks.
The plank must be first cleaned and brushed with wire brush.
Once ready you can use this special jet spray gun laced with liquid pheromone.
The liquid pheromone can either be concentrated or added with some water to dilute it.
If you wish to get better result try to apply two layers.
The jet spray is light weight and you can carry on your shoulder.
Once the storage can is filled with the pheromone you can strap the air compressor on your shoulder and climb those ladder to reach the nesting plank.
Adjust the spray shape properly and trigger the handle to allow those compressed air laced with the liquid pheromone onto the cleaned planks.
You have a very high chances of those plank be shortly populated with nests or saliva markings.
Do try this method and if you have difficulties in obtaining them let me know.
The plank must be first cleaned and brushed with wire brush.
Once ready you can use this special jet spray gun laced with liquid pheromone.
The liquid pheromone can either be concentrated or added with some water to dilute it.
If you wish to get better result try to apply two layers.
The jet spray is light weight and you can carry on your shoulder.
Once the storage can is filled with the pheromone you can strap the air compressor on your shoulder and climb those ladder to reach the nesting plank.
Adjust the spray shape properly and trigger the handle to allow those compressed air laced with the liquid pheromone onto the cleaned planks.
You have a very high chances of those plank be shortly populated with nests or saliva markings.
Do try this method and if you have difficulties in obtaining them let me know.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Very Soon The Pheromone Will Be In Liquid Form !!!
I have been very lucky to know the Chemist who formulated the Pheromone spray.
Yesterday got the opportunity to meet him in person and put forward a number of special request which I hope he will comply.
My new requests from him was to allow me to purchase the Pheromone in liquid form and not in those canisters.
At first he was not very keen to give me the positive answer but after telling him my intention to diversity the method to using his "hormone" he answered let me think about it.
The whole purpose of me meeting him was nothing more than forward the following new ideas.
I told him that I have been working extremely hard to proof that his formulation works.
Now the results seems to be mainly positive.
With the number of successes that I have encounter the time have come for a new method on how to use the pheromone.
What about using it as the liquid for perfume garden?
What if we can put into a smaller canister that can be attached into an auto dispenser?
Why can't we apply the aroma onto those wooden corners prior to its installation inside your VIP room?
What if I spray the solution onto those nesting planks before being install inside BH VIP rooms?
We have no idea what will happened.
However based on the current positive results I have a very strong feeling that if I can apply as per my plans any BH that I convert or get involved in will no longer in the same league as in 5 stars hotel category but may be 7 stars.
He took about 5 hours to ponder on my ideas and soon after that he SMS to me his excitement.
You got it Pak Harry just tell me how many Gallons do you wish to start with.
I was very pleased with his positive response and I told him that I will not fail him.
The interesting thing about this Gifted Chemist is that his intention and my intention helping those who own BHs and yet failed is the same.
On many occasions I expressed my desire and every time I spoke about it he confirmed that he too shared the same intention.
We are having the same objectives and just imagine if we can work as a team?
Well the ball now is in my court and I hope the liquid will be ready to ship to my warehouse.
Those who would like to try the new products please let me know.
These will be the products that will help to increase your BH nests population:
1) Nesting planks applied with "Super Pheromone" I called it "SuperNP". It comes in 8 feet in length or shorter. The cost per foot length will be about RM 10 per foot.
2) Corner covers laced with two layers of "Super Pheromone" I called it "SuperCon". It will be about RM 5 per piece.
3) Fake nests applied with 2 layers of "Super Pheromone". I called it "SuperFUK" It will be RM 8 per piece.
4) Super pheromone in containers suitable to be used inside an auto dispenser called "SwiftPortion". Each will be RM 180.
5) Super Pheromone in liquid form called "SuperSwiftPerfume" for perfume garden usage. The cost per litre is about RM 300.
You will be given the date when the items will be shipped or ready to pick up once you have confirm the order.
Just write to or call this number 017 7551318 now.
Friday, February 1, 2013
How To Effectively Use Super Pheromone With Fake Nests !!!
Let me share with you a simple idea that can bring more swiftlet into your BH by using the Pheromone.
My idea is to combine the use of Super Pheromone with styrofoam fake nests.
The first thing that I wanted you to do is to get a canister of the pheromone from Pak Harry.

Since he is helping you with new ideas why should you buy them from some one else?
Okay get ready a canister and buy a piece of styrofoam 3/4" thick. It will cost you only about RM 2.50 for a piece about 4'X3'.
Take a piece of sharp knife and make some rectrangular shape piece of 4"X3"X3/4" cubes.
Now you cut the above cube into my favourite fake nest shape 1.
The reason to have the shape is to provide the neccesary space for those swiftlet to start their new nest and the rest of the surfaces will allow you to spray those hormone liquid.
Once ready try to spray the liquid on the outer surface that will be facing out.
Two layers will be better than one.
Once dried insect these precious fake nest into a plastic bag with zip.
Try to make sure that the fake nests do not come into contact with any other surface during transportation to your BH.
The moment you arrive at your BH try to locate the best location.
I prefer inside one of your VIP room with lots of bird shit spots on the floor and closed to a working internal sound tweeter.
Use three screws to lock the fake nest on the nesting plank.

If I am right most of them will be occupied within a few short weeks.
Once they have babies and those babies flew away try to remove the fake nests but leave those nest on the nesting planks.
If you continue installing, let the nest be build, once those baby birds flew away you remove the fake nests soon your nesting planks will be occupied in full.
Just keep installing and removing them when they passed the cycle.
Try this idea and I can safely says that you BH will have a terrific future.
Call 017 7551318 for a canister of Super Pheromone (hormone). Now at RM 180 ex Kuala Lumpur.
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