These pictures were send by a blog reader who loves the use of Super Pheromone.
She owned a BH and have been looking after it for many years now.
She followed most of my recommendations and my latest sounds.
The growth seems to be very gradual not as before.
She will always keep in touch with me for any new things and will be the first to book my time if I happened to visit Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
He latest email for you to read:
"Hi pak harry..ini gambar yang terbaru dua gambar saja sounds yg pak harry bagi tu hari super 208 amat baik bila digunakan waktu 6.00pm-6.45 pm pada masa burung balik ke bh.. bila lagi agaknya pak harry dtang ke kk ye?"
Hi Pak Harry. These are some pictures taken recently. Only two new nests markings. The sound you provided during your last visit "Super 208" is good when played from 6:00pm to 6:45 pm, that is the time when birds are returning home. When will be your next trip to KK?"
She sounded very happy but waiting for more new developments that can help to improve her nest population.
I hope one day she will have more nests in her BH.
(The saliva marking on the right hand side of the tweeter)
(Photo showing the wetness after she sprayed with Super Pheromone)
(Another saliva markings on the right hand side too)
(She applied the Super Pheromone)
If you view these pictures from her you might want to read about my comments:
1) She now followed my advise on how to accelerate the nests construction. The moment she indentify any new markings she will spray the pheromone on and around the marking, The idea here is to make the new tenant to accelerate the production of saliva thus getting them to get the nest ready so that the female will quickly lay her first egg. Usually once the female laid her first egg, the couple will be your tenant on a permanent basis.
2) Both the markings were on the left hand side of the tweeter's edges. This indicate that the will start their saliva markings from left and later right.
3) The use of pheromone spray is a bit difficult to control. I suggested to her in switching to liquid type. If you use a brush the distribution of the pheromone will be much easier to control. The amount will be much lesser but the place it cover are more controllable.
I am glad that the pheromone is effective when used in her BH.
It seems that most BHs in Sabah and Sarawak shows the same reaction.
I recommend the use of this new product and I believed if you use this product properly you will accelerate your BH nests population.
Try to learn more on how to effectively apply the pheromone and have one bottle with you every time you visit your BH.
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