Buy One Canister or One Liter !!!
Affordable and effective.
Get one today and try for at least one month.
One canister only RM 165 ex Kuala Lumpur.
One liter of the Standard concentration is RM 300 ex Kuala Lumpur.
One liter of the double concentration is RM 600 ex Kuala Lumpur and
One liter of the triple concentration is RM 900 ex Kuala Lumpur.
Try to start with the canister and once proven move to the higher concentration formula !!!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
The Recycled Nest Will Become Bigger !!!
Try to test this idea that was proven in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
If you spray the "Super Pheromone" onto an empty nest, it will soon become lager when the new tenant takes over the tenancy term.
Yes once the old nests that was sprayed with the blue coloured canister liquid the nest will be much larger and thicker.
The story was as follows:
I normally follow up with those who purchased the canisters from me.
On one occasion a buyer took four canisters and after applying the liquid I keep checking with her about its progress.
One the first few weeks she did not answered and on the forth week she SMS the following:
"Sorry Pak the user was our friend and according to his BH workers the nests that he sprayed are larger than normal."
I think this new finding is interesting and should be capitalized by all those who are using or about to use this product.
If you want your old nest to be larger in size try to spray the pheromone on to the old nest and let it be recycled by a new or the former tenant.
The moment the old nest were occupied you will immediately see the transformation.
The new layer will be thicker and the size will be larger.
To those who have not tried please buy a bottle and see how it works.
Prize is affordable but if it helps to populate your BH with larger size nests, I think you should buy more.
Learn more on how to use the liquid properly and I am sure you will be able to solve your empty BH syndrome.
Call 017 7551318 or write to
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Another Interesting Use Of Super Pheromone !!!
We are looking at reactivating a BH that has more than 600 nests but suddenly stop growing.
This will be my new challenge to use "Super Pheromone" to active a BH in Jeram, Kuala Selangor.
Yesterday one BH owner who owned not less than 6 BHs around Kuala Selangor invited myself and Prof A from UPM to inspect three of his BHs.
Two were having 500-600 nests while the other unit was with zero nests.
The two with 500-600 nests started operation in year 2005 and the sad story told by the owner was that it stop multiplying for almost two years now.
"Pak Harry I cannot understand where those baby birds moved to. If all my 500 nests are producing 2 babies every 4 months than my BH must have produce not less than 500X3 X 2 = 3000 young birds. But I don't understand why they refuse to return home and populate the house where they were hatched?" his very strong comment.
I understand his anguish and if I were him I will fell the same.
After looking at his BH history plus the current conditions (the layout, the darkness, the entrance hole opening and etc) I think he would be able to lure his young birds back by doing some minor upgrade including the application of my "Super Pheromone".
For a short term purposes I left with him a canister and told him how and where to apply.
I have a very strong gut feeling that he will see some improvements but I reminded him that his BH needs some important works to be done.
The nesting room darkness need to be upgraded and the humidity to be pushed to 85%RH at least.
I was very interested to install a wet floor system on the ground floor and sprinkle with those fresh bird shit collected from the top floor.
My idea was to use this BH with lots of birds as my test BH to see the response to the pheromone.
If it works to my satisfaction I can safely say that we now have a proven method on how to activate a BH with dead nest population increase and at the same time will be able to move these birds to start their nests on only those planks that were sprayed in any BH.
I will start talking to the owner on my idea in carrying out the above test and hopefully the result obtained will help us to formulate a new method of using the Pheromone.
If you wish to participate in doing the same test please let me know.
Call my mobile number at 0177551318
Thursday, January 10, 2013
The Wooden BH In Papar Sabah !!!
A wooden BH in Papar Sabah which was too short, too bright inside, very dry plus a bit on the high temperature side.
The chances to have any nest inside is very slim.
However upon using the super pheromone the birds came in and build a number of nests here and there.
How I wish it can be improved.
The owner was kind enough to try a few canisters during it early stages and the result showed was encouraging.
Inside my heart I know that this BH need some kind of inspection.
During my last trip to Semporna I insisted with the BH owner to allow me to take a good look inside. My ticket home was no more direct but I make my move to stop over in Kota Kinabalu just for his sake.
"Sorry Pak Harry I have to attend a Seminar in Miri, Sarawak as such I have arrange with my partner to take you there." his last minute change of plan.
No matter what he was involved with my prime intention of visiting his BH is on my top list.
His partner, a lady, drop by and fetch me to the BH. It was a very long drive to Papar town and later inside those jungle about 15-20 minutes inside.
Once arrived I took a very deep breath and feel very glad that at last I am at where I plan to be.
His partner open the door of the BH while I took a good look around the BH.
It looks okay but I was not happy with the main entrance hole positioning. It was on the wall and not on a monkey house structure.
There was no hexagonal tweeter on the roof areas. I was a bit disappointed with this lack of commitment.
I took my steps into the BH and when I entered I was at the roving area where the main entrance window was.
It was very bright and a bit too long for those birds to travelled inside.
One common error that I observed about this BH was that the external sound tweeters stops at this room.
The consultant never believed that external sound should be installed inside and the best at the far end of the nesting room.
The moment you walk into the nesting room you can see the end wall. That was more than 25 feet away.
Yes a very common mistake by most consultant. I prescribed that if you stand two feet apart you must not be able to see each other while this BH the wall that was more than 25 feet away can be easily seen.
I have a good look at the nesting planks and make a few comments that needs some modifications.
The internal sound tweeters placement was not proper and there were no crossings.
I took a very long look and scribble a few points for my report to me made later.
After about 45 minutes I told the partner that I have jot down most of the things I wanted and will submit a full report as soon as I can find a proper table to write.
We adjourned to a coffee shop and I put down my report for her to hand over to her partner.
Not a very long list, about 13 pages, and I told her to pass it to her partner as soon as he return home from Miri.
The visit report was very clear and I specifically focus on the external and internal modifications.
The BH needs a serious modification on the outside (mainly the roof extension above the entrance hole and the hexagonal tweeter).
On the inside he need to block those light from polluting his nesting room. My suggestion was to erect a wall with a door that will allow those birds to feel safe.
With a number of sketches given I told them to proceed with it and I guarantee them that if they follow my prescription their BH will improve by at least 200 percent.
The use of Super Pheromone after revamp formed a part of the whole project.
I was surprised that even with very little modifications upon using the Pheromone those birds were seen to react to it.
Just imagine if the house is modified as per my recommendations.
Monday, January 7, 2013
How To Populate A Chosen Area In A BH Using Super Pheromone And Fake Nests !!!
This is very new and interesting story on how to populate a chosen area in your BH.
The owner of this BH came out with his own idea and he provide photos and video clips to prove that it works.
His method is as follows:
1) His BH currently have a total number of 300 birds staying.
2) He have been using my Super Pheromone for quite some time but were not well planned.
3) Recently he came out with this idea of using the pheromone with about 50 fake nests made of styrofoam.
4) What he did was to select a specific area about 20 square meter that can be monitored with his CCTV camera using ultra violet light.
5) The styrofoam fake nests were screwed to the nesting planks and sprayed with the pheromone.
6) The foam will be sprayed with the pheromone every month.
7) From the first day he can observe how those swiftlet fight for those fake nests.
8) After three months 75% of the styrofoam nests were occupied.
9) He is very satisfied with the result and it is very informative to see how those swiftlet were attracted to the smell.
This real story is something that we should learned from.
We know that we now have something to depend on to populate our BH.
We can also learn by viewing the video clips how those birds behaves in total darkness trying to occupy the fake nests to start their nest.
Within three months we will be able to see their nests on those fake nests.
My recommendation is to remove these fake nests once the tenant used it for at least two breeding cycle.
Move them to another floor or location.
By continuing doing this you will soon see more nests inside your BH and the best thing is that you can now control where they should be building their nests inside your BH.
They will no longer choose only the 90* corners but on the flat planks where you install those fake nests.
Once you remove the fake nests they will usually continue staying at the same spot.
Those who have not try this technique please call 0177551318.
I will be very happy to assist you and your BH nests population.
The immediate effect:
About two months after that:
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